So I have had some questions come up about doing less, seriously, and how it lines up with the seasons. I want to share some insight with you, but first here is a quick primer on how to do less in case you missed it:
Step One – Clean Out – Fall Phase
Step Two – Stop Saying Yes and Practice No
Step Three – Create and Support – Spring Phase
Step Four – Exponential Growth – Summer Phase
I have been asked the same question over and over by our readers so let me address it, right here, right now.
“If it is Spring outside right now, does that mean that I need to be in the Spring Phase?”
Noooooo . . . you can be in any given phase throughout the year!
If you are not sure what the next steps in your life right now may be, you may be in the winter phase. Saying no, laying on the couch, and sorting through your thoughts, emotions, and goals is aligned with the winter phase.
So, for example, if you are going through a divorce right now – you are probably in the winter phase! If you are pregnant right now and can’t move – you are in the winter phase. The winter phase can be a day, a week, a month, a year, or several years BUT it is essential to have a winter phase in order to effectively move into a Spring phase.
Two weeks ago, it was a Monday morning and I had a very long to-do list. But the weekend had been bananas at my house and I was exhausted. I spent the day in bed. I didn’t feel guilty and I didn’t beat myself up mentally. I knew, deep in my core, that I could tackle everything on Tuesday and be super-efficient. Tuesday turned out to be awesome because I gave myself some much-needed rest on Monday. (The old me would have drank 3 coffees, eaten a cookie or two for a sugar high, been productive for 1-2 hours, and then been cranky the rest of the day because I was tired but wired)
The truth is, you can’t always be doing, creating, and being super high functioning.
That is called Burn Out.
This is your permission to rest and go into the Winter Phase if you need it.
I can safely say that I was in the Winter Phase for a good 7 years when I had little kids. Get some perspective and rest. Your body is not programmed to go from a place of overwhelm to a place of high productivity.
If you need help with the overwhelm, practice gratitude. Your mind cannot be overwhelmed and in a place of gratitude at the same time.
I myself have been known to lay in bed and moan just to moan. It used to happen years ago after CrossFit (I don’t do CrossFit anymore) and I still might still have an occasional period of moaning in bed when I feel sorry for myself. I use the gratitude practice to pull myself out of this so I don’t alarm the dog. It works.
Lay in bed (or on the acupuncture table – shameless plug) and tell yourself what you are thankful for.
See you soon,