If you read my last blog post, Autumn, The Season of Letting Go, we talked about how the season of fall – where the days and nights get colder and we withdraw indoors – gives us an opportunity to really turn inward and figure out what’s working for us, and what’s not.
When we sit with ourselves and truly listen to what our mind is telling us – not our ego or our imprinted traumas – but our subconscious, we hear what we need to bring into our lives and want we need to eliminate.
My favorite quote (and one that I have repeated to myself often over the past decade) is from the Physicist, John Wheeler. He said, “there is no out there, out there.” This means that the universe and our happiness are not independent of ourselves. There is no universe that exists independent from us, everything we seek on the outside is within us.
This is particularly meaningful today as we hold our “collective breath” to see the outcome of the elections across the country.
I ask you to take a moment tonight and tomorrow morning (and every day after) to take a silent sandwich – just 10 minutes at the beginning of the day and ten minutes at the end of the day to sit in silence. You can d this in your favorite chair, on your bed, or even sitting on the floor. Wherever you are most comfortable, take a moment to reflect. If it helps, use a meditation app on your phone or put on calming music to help you Just.Be.Alone.With.Your.Thoughts.
Election time can cause so much stress for so many of us. But instead of choosing to be reactive over the outcome of the elections or the outcome of your day at work, or at home, choose to be gentle. Life is on a continuum and a gentle (not judgemental) approach is the best way for us to become more centered with ourselves and with our neighbors both locally and nationally.
We are most impressionable first thing in the morning and at the end of the day. Don’t end your day and start your day tomorrow with your phone or reading the headlines. Just get centered and sit with your thoughts.
If you need more support around this, a quiet one-hour acupuncture session can help calm the “ticker tape” in your mind. Many clients choose to listen to a meditation on their phone during their visit with us to help them center.
And remember, our outward world is a reflection of our inner dialogue – there is no out there, out there.
We hope to see you soon.