We are officially in spring, which is amazing in so many ways – longer days, more sun, and finally getting out of the house! But, if you’re anything like me – you’re probably also feeling the crush of spring sports, obligations, events, and other “wonderful” spring things that jam-pack our schedules.
Ask yourself, is the dread starting? Are you constantly thinking “How can I fit everything into the weekend that I need to get done and still attend all of these events?” Or is your summer almost completely booked? Locked and loaded? If so, have the heart palpitations started yet?
I have a hunch that you want to start doing less but think that this is a serious pipe dream that can only be accomplished once the FDA approves a medically induced coma for overwhelmed moms! (this is one of my dream businesses – you wake up 15 lbs lighter and feeling refreshed from your week-long coma – if only!!)
OK, deep breaths. If you’ve been following along you know I have devoted all of the blogs for this month to help you to do just that – welcome back!
Let’s do a quick review:
And because I always read ahead here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come:
Step Three – Creation with Support – Spring Phase
Step Four – Exponential Growth – Summer Phase
I’m going to do something that might make your eyes roll – spend a bit more time on the winter phase even though we’ve covered it before. Nailing down the winter phase will help us transition to spring smoothly.
It’s not fun – but it can be!
So, we talked about only committing to one or two major things in your life last time. You can’t take a new job and move homes in one fell swoop because you would need to be hooked up to a lithium drip when all is said and done. And you can’t take a whirlwind tour of Europe and write a book in the same season, much less the same year. Unless you want all of your hair to fall out – then go ahead!
And back to reality – you can’t be the PTA parent this school year and manage a new division at work. Sounds doable? That’s because they told you the PTA position only takes one hour a week. Lies, all lies. Did they tell you that you have the natural skill set to manage that new group at work? Yes – flattery works – and of course you are talented and intelligent, but…choose one!
I will say it again – choose one! Choose one of the above but not both because remember – just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.
Your list of nos should be waaaaay longer than the list of yeses.
Here is where the real fun starts. Let’s do some mental practicing with some personal examples:
“Can you take the dog to get fixed?” My answer was no – the dog would die of embarrassment because the sound of my laughter over the inflatable conehead would be heard for miles!
“Can you replace the zipper on my Carhart jacket (I got asked this one yesterday)?” No, because seamstresses need our small businesses’ support too. Again – just because I have the talent doesn’t mean that I should.
“Can you pick me up from school at 3 pm, take me to Starbucks, and then back to school at 4 pm for play practice”? You already know the answer to this one…it’s sad that these are all real-life examples
My husband says that my gift to the world is sarcasm and mockery. Perhaps.
But start practicing NO!
You can’t mentally build that thing that you really want while in the winter phase if you are saying yes to everything!
Get inspired by real life. Think about it – in winter do you accept every dinner invitation? Every offer to get coffee? Or go to every yoga class? No – because you need to sit on the couch during the dark winter months and rest and imagine what landscaping projects you want to get done once spring sets in.
The time spent away from doing helps you focus on yourself, your dreams, and the things you actually want to be a part of.
Got it?
See you soon,