Acupuncture for Sleep – Can it Really Help?

Sleep can be tricky. Some patients have a hard time falling asleep, while others, have a hard time staying asleep. Sleep disturbances can be due to a myriad of reasons. Some people wake up due to pain, some wake up due to a hormonal imbalance like menopause, while others have just never been good sleepers.

Acupuncture can help get you to sleep and keep you sleeping for longer.

Your acupuncturist will ask you several questions at your first visit about your sleep habits and pinpoint what might be the underlying cause for your sleep issue. Acupuncture will help regulate your stress hormones and your cortisol to help you feel less anxious, ready for sleep, and more energized the next morning.

Over the years, many clients have commented how well they sleep after acupuncture. Are you ready to try it? Schedule an appointment online to come in and see what the fuss is all about!

We treat the following Sleep Issues due to:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Early Morning Waking
  • Peri -Menopause, Menopause
  • Chronic Pain
  • Night sweats
  • Vivid dreaming

Ready to get started?

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