Herbal medicine is an ancient, highly elaborate system of natural healing that has been used by billions of people for all kinds of health conditions.

Dedham Acupuncture has a comprehensive apothecary that includes Chinese Herbs, Naturopathic herbs and supplements, and the highest quality vitamins and supplements based in the Whole Foods tradition.

Herbal medicine and Whole Foods supplementation is a wonderful complement to acupuncture treatment, as it works on different substrates in the body and maintains continuity in therapeutic intervention. Acupuncture works on the energetic level by harmonizing the flow of energy through the pathways of the body. Quantum physics has verified that our entire material world is comprised of energy, as is the human body.

Acupuncture is so unique because it is one of the few therapies that can manipulate the flow of energy in the body and mind to produce a therapeutic effect. In acupuncture theory, until chronic health conditions are addressed on the energetic level, the root cause or problem will often be neglected.Herbs and Supplements work more on the level of blood and manifest physiology.

The herbs contain macro and micronutrients that can have specific therapeutic effects on certain organs of the body, such as the liver or kidneys. By working on both the immaterial and material levels, the treatment of acupuncture with herbs is much more effective and lasting.

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