Here at Dedham Acupuncture we have a few lines of herbs and supplements that we recommend to our patients. Each line has been carefully vetted by our staff and we stand by our products.  We have great knowledge of our supplements and the capabilities and limitations of each product.

We do not require our patients to buy our supplements that we carry.

However, we can’t effectively manage and help our patients with dosing of products if we don’t know what they are buying and taking at home. We often hear, ‘I have been taking fish oil for months and I am not sure if it has been helping.”  We aren’t either if we don’t know if it is a reputable brand and if the dosaging is correct.

We know that there is a certain number of EPA/DHA that a patient MUST take to have a therapeutic benefit.  Many brands are well below this – so many patients aren’t getting any effect from their fish oil.  We carry a fish oil by Nordic Naturals that we know has the right combo of EPA/DHA in order for our patients to feel better.

The quality of different brands of supplements are all over the map.

When working with herbal products, there are specific parts of the herb (ie, the root, the stem, the aerial part) that need to be part of the herbal formula in order for it to be effective. Many companies buy the cheapest part of the plant (often the aerial part) to put in their formula instead of the necessary therapeutic components of the plant that are more expensive.

Do you know how to read your herbal labels?

It can get confusing.  We ONLY CARRY herbal products that we trust to use the part of the plant that can have a therapeutic effect on your body.

We also know that there are counterfeit herbal products and supplements on the market that look like a reputable brand, but are actually counterfeit items from China sold on Amazon with a counterfeit label.  Shocked? We were when we found out that this has been happening.

We order our supplements directly from the manufacturer.

We know what is going in each bottle and we know what outcome to expect from the lines of supplements that we carry.  We are happy to help you navigate your vitamins and herbs that you purchase from us.  We want to see you feel better and happy with the supplements that you buy from our office!

Nicole Stern
Dedham Acupuncturist
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