Struggling with chronic Digestive Problems?

Living with any type of inflammatory digestive problem can be mentally exhausting as well as physically exhausting. Typically, most patients are treated by their doctor with medications and diet changes.  But what if the changes are happening quickly?  Or your gut is just too inflamed and too painful to start healing right away?

Acupuncture can help and it can break the cycle of your digestive problems as well as the anxiety that goes along with it. Acupuncture can help lessen the inflammation in your stomach and intestinal lining and start to regulate your bowels.  We also will help give you nutritional guidance and whole food supplement suggestions that you can incorporate right away into your daily routine.

We regularly treat the following conditions:

  • IBS (diarrhea and constipation types)
  • GIRD
  • Acid reflux
  • Gastritis
  • Crohn’s
  • Leaky Gut
  • Constipation

Ready to get started?

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