Are you just as excited about fall as we are at Dedham Acupuncture? We can’t stop thinking about trying all the cider donuts, going pumpkin picking, and putting mums out on our front porches! We look forward to all year, especially those who are lucky enough to experience the beautiful foliage in New England.
Autumn is an amazing time because it gives us the opportunity to return to a set schedule, become cozy in our homes, and spend time with our friends and family around the holidays. If you’ve been keeping up with our blogs, you know we’ve been talking a lot about the seasons and what they mean for cycles in our life. In traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s the season of letting go.
Autumn is the time of the lungs and the large intestines. This time of year asks us to take care of our immune system, fuel a healthy digestive system, and try to avoid anything that could irritate our stomachs, like sugar and processed foods.
The changes in nature can serve as a reminder of what we as people experience during this season. Autumn calls us to turn inward, let go of what is not serving us, and lay the foundation for a year of growth ahead. In the beautiful autumn months, the leaves fall from the trees and start to decompose to create fertile soil for growth in the Spring. Nature sheds its layers knowing that letting go will help new life bloom in the months to come. This is an opportunity to ask ourselves, what is serving us? What can we make better? And most of all, what can we let go of? What we do right now lays the groundwork for 2023.
Emotional grief, trauma, and even everyday stress tend to manifest themselves in our bodies by way of pain. For men, we mostly see stress show up as low back pain. For women, it tends to manifest through tension in the upper back, neck, and jaw areas. This pain is what we are holding onto, and what stresses are building up in our bodies. It happens daily that clients will comment that their stress always goes to their back or upper traps. Have you been tolerating this in your life? What would it feel like to release that pain?
Pain leads to exhaustion and exhaustion leads to pain. It is a vicious cycle so many struggles to escape from. Many clients dread the night, a time that should be for rest, as their pain keeps them from sleeping well. Or, they wake up with “bed injuries” where they are in more pain in the morning than the previous night. While the physical pain itself is very real, there may be emotional and stress-related issues that are leading to it. So, what if instead of focusing on your pain, you focused on healing yourself from the inside out? What if, you used this beautiful season of Autumn to let go of what no longer serves you, and finally say no to unnecessary pain and stress?
If you’re having trouble putting yourself first, read our blog from last week where I shared a really important story about a special friend of mine who taught me so many lessons about life. There’s a little bit of her in all of us, and her story might help you focus on your own well-being.
What if I told you that if you committed to taking care of yourself once a week for the next handful of weeks, you could feel so much better, so much lighter by the holidays? Does that seem like a stretch? It’s not. Acupuncture is THE modality to release stress and pain at the same time. Life gets busy, but making yourself the priority and committing to your healing each week can change your life. Imagine entering 2023 feeling good and ready to take on your new Year’s Resolutions. Imagine waking up every day feeling lighter, calmer, and focused on a wonderful day ahead of you instead of the tension in your body. Dedham Acupuncture is committed to the healing journeys of our clients, and I’ve seen many clients change their life when they commit to their well-being.
It can happen, and I hope that we can help you feel better right away.