Are you thinking about acupuncture treatment during your Frozen embryo Transfer (FET)?

Acupuncture During FET

We have you covered.  Here at Dedham Acupuncture we see patients all of the time who are preparing for FET. Some patients love acupuncture because it helps them relax during such a stressful time, while others use acupuncture to help build their endometrial lining, when they aren’t responding to traditional estrace or estradiol patches.

Preparing for Embryo Transfer

In research published in 2014, women undergoing FET were randomly assigned to acupuncture points to increase uterine circulation or to receive mock treatments.  Women in both the treatment and control groups had six treatments per cycle for three cycles (total of 18 treatments) prior to the frozen embryo transfer. Researchers found that embryo implantation and live birth rates were all higher in the treatment group.  The uterine linings of the women in the treatment group had greater signs of uterine receptivity on ultrasound examination as well.

Most of our clients do not have the luxury of time (3 months) before their FET, which is ideal. But even treatments for two weeks prior to a frozen embryo transfer can be beneficial. In a small (5 patients) pilot study done a few years ago, patients with a history of thin uterine lining (8 mm or less) with frozen embryo transfer received 2-3 acupuncture treatments a week in the two weeks leading up to a frozen embryo transfer. All women showed increases in uterine lining thickness, ranging from an increase of 4 mm to an increase of 8 mm (for a woman who had a history of a 4 mm lining).

These studies certainly suggest that acupuncture performed in advance of your FET date can improve endometrial lining thickness and uterine receptivity, resulting in higher pregnancy and live birth rates. If you have a history of thin uterine lining, especially with FET, then acupuncture is particularly beneficial. But, it should be noted, that even if you do not have a history of thin lining, you can benefit from the increased uterine receptivity observed with regular acupuncture treatment prior to your FET.

Your acupuncturist will provide you with a schedule of when to visit during your FET process, as well as some suggestions to help improve lining.

Nicole Stern
Dedham Acupuncturist
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Shuai Z. et al. 2014. Effect of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation on endometrial receptivity in women undergoing frozen-thawed embryo transfer: a single-blind prospective randomized controlled trial. Acupunct. Med.; Oct 10

Horn, B & W Yu. 2010. Personal communication as part of Acupuncture in the Management of IVF, Pro-D Seminars Online Course






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