How Are you Doing? Are you accomplishing all that you set out to do?
For the past few weeks, I’ve shared stories and paths you can take to accomplish your goals in line with the seasons. This week, Instead of writing a funny or inspiring love note to you I wanted to give you 3 things to support you in whatever you want to do this spring or summer.
Did you know that 90% of you are in a phase where you are not aware of what you want or are still trying to problem-solve and decide what you want or how to create it?
Only 10% of you are in a solution-oriented phase.
And at some point to get to where you want to be, you need to find that solution and enter a phase of action. Ok, so let’s get you there. Let’s get you clarity and out of a state of overwhelm STAT.
To shift out of overwhelm, we actually have to rewire our minds and bodies but, hang with me here, we can do that in just minutes a day.
I want you to download 2 apps and ACTUALLY USE THEM.
I tend to download apps or buy courses and think that once I pay for a said thing, the info will get into my brain by osmosis. I can attest that this is not true.
Ok, Number 1 – download the ThinkUp app! Start choosing the affirmations you want to embody and use them every night for 3 minutes before bed. Your subconscious will work overtime while you sleep to make sure everything that you want will happen. Yup, it’s that easy.
Number 2 – download the Calm app and use it for 10 minutes every morning. When our thoughts are all over the place and we can’t quiet our minds, it’s more difficult to align with our goals and highest selves. The Calm app will get your mind focused and quiet the chatter. You will go into the day feeling more at ease and not in a state of panic or overwhelm.
Number 3 – Along with these app practices, eat well with healthy snacking. Here is a quick guide for you so you have sustained energy throughout the day. These are seriously easy and healthy snacks to regulate your blood sugar and feed your body what it needs right now. Using these apps and eating well over time will become a habit, and you can more naturally be in a state of calm and health to manifest your goals into reality.
.May you and yours welcome a season of freedom, growth, and enrichment